Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jan 26th update

It's been a stretch, but no worries... I started writing my good deeds down. Here's the latest update...

January 18 - This was one of those days where my good deed found me... a friend found me on facebook and messaged me asking how my good deeds were going. I told him things were fine, but that I was always looking for new ideas because I'm only 18 days in and have 347 to go. He asked if I had done my good deed for the day yet and if I hadn't was looking for some advice. Now, let's be honest, even if I had done my good deed I would have been there for him, but I hadn't and now get to count staying on the phone and computer with him until 1:30am as my good deed for the day.

January 19 - I did a good deed for myself, but hopefully for someone else also. I sorted through ALL of my clothes. I packed anything up that I haven't worn for a while, and I only allowed myself one (yes one) box for clothes that I "hope to fit in someday". At the end of the day I had 3 bags full of clothes for Volunteers of America (who just happen to be coming though my neighborhood next week!

January 20 - I'm almost embarrassed to admit this because it's something I should have done from day one at the new job. I started recycling at the dance studio (and at our house as well). I have a box for all of our paper and pop cans at the studio and I'm bringing it to our house every week for pick up.

January 21 - while catching up on my DVR I was watching an episode of Oprah (love her!) about cell phone usage while driving. Did you know that talking on your phone (hands free or not) you are 4 times more likely to get in an accident? That's the equivalent of driving drunk. It gets worse... if you are texting while driving you are 8 times more likely to be involved in an accident!!! It was so sad, people talking about loved ones who they lost due to a driver who was using their cell phone. My heart ACHES for those families and for the people who caused the accidents. Truth be told, that could have easily been me. I constantly talk and drive and have been known to text and drive as well. Well, not anymore. I took the pledge on and will not be using my phone in the car anymore. I silence it and put it in my purse so I'm not even tempted. I urge everyone else to join me and make the roads a little safer for us all.

January 22 - I took some clothes to a friend at work.

January 23 - I went to see my sister in Dayton... we had such a great weekend! I took her to lunch at Mimi's Cafe (love!) then we went shopping at "The Green" all day long... major retail therapy!!! Then I went to babysit with her and we watched "Nancy Drew" with the kids (cute movie btw). Then the kids went to bed and we watched "Music and Lyrics" and "Julie and Julia" both of which I LOVED. It was so great to just get out of Columbus for a bit and forget about things that I let stress me out. It was also great to see Lindsay and be able to treat her to lunch!!!

January 24 - I mailed a random card to someone in the phonebook. I hope they don't think it's annoying. If someone I didn't know sent me a card for no reason I think it would make my day, so hopefully it did the same for them.

January 25 - I totally stole this idea from a friend of mine, but I mailed a card to one of my friends that said "Happy Friendship Day" on the front, and then on the inside it said "I just made that up because I wanted to send you a card." Again, I think that would make my day if someone did it for me.

January 26 - Today I got my oil changed and the guys at the service center were so warm and kind. They even threw away the trash from my floors and vacuumed them. The vaccuming is standard, but it's not their job to throw away my trash (which probably consisted of 15 water bottles and 15 Starbucks cups - I know, I know), and I thought that was really nice! I mailed them a card just letting them know that they made my day.

There you go, lots of fun, this whole good-deed-a-day thing is totally uplifting!!! More soon, big love!!!

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