Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 4th Update

January 2 - I worked a 12 hour shift in the ED. My coworker was not feeling well and was also training another young woman so while they were at lunch I took all of their charges and did them. Not an unusual thing for us to do for each other, but I know I appreciate it even more when I'm not feeling well.

January 3 - On this date in 1932 president Roosevelt started what is now known as the March of Dimes. I logged on to their website and saw they do a cell phone drive. I downloaded the mailing label and mailed an old cell phone in.

January 4 - Today was a little busy... I worked at the bookstore (yay Barnes and Noble!) in the morning then ran home to change and eat lunch and headed to the dance studio (yay JDSD!) for our first night of classes after the holidays. I was thinking I had to come up with a good deed but quickly got busy at work. Out of the blue one of my coworkers from another job (yay ER!) came in to say hi. She lost her husband just after Christmas and I haven't gotten to see her since before all that happened. I asked her if I could do anything and she said she needed a "Jenn hug" I was of course more than happy to help. Later in the evening I got a text from another coworker from the ER (Tammy) whose daughter was having trouble with her math homework. I was a math major my first year at OSU and I had told Tammy in the past that she could always call me anytime her kids needed help with their math. Chelsi was pretty upset over the homework (a feeling I know all too well) so I quickly got on line for a 2 minute refresher on "y intercepts" (everyone remember y = mx + b ?) and called Chelsi to walk her through a few equations. She got the hang of it and Tammy said she was in a much better mood for the rest of the night.

Part of me feels like these good deeds maybe don't count because they found their way to me and I didn't plan them, but I also know that both of these acts made a difference in people's days so I'm counting them. :o)


More updates to come of course! Big love and please remember to send ideas my way!

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