Thursday, January 14, 2010

Update Jan 14th

Jan 11 - I left a note for a friend at work. I could tell he had been having a bit of a rough day and thought he could use a pick-me-up.

Jan 12 - There is a family at the dance studio I have known for 16 years now. I babysat the oldest girl (who is now a sophomore in high school) when she was only a year or so old. I feel like I have watched these girls grow up. Their mother was my 6th grade teacher (and one of my favorite teachers to this day). I am now blessed to call her a friend. We don't talk as much as I'd like to, but every time we do finally get a chance to catch up, it feels like no time has passed at all. Several weeks ago, the girls' father suffered a stroke and was in the hospital and then rehabilitation. The girls dropped their dance classes and focused on their father's health. He is doing great now and getting ready to go back to work so the girls have come back to the dance studio. The family owes for costumes that were ordered before Christmas, and while I know they would be happy to pay for them, I also know that not having to worry about that cost would be a weight off their shoulders and one less thing to think about. I'm making payments to my boss with every paycheck to pay off their costume fees. It feels wonderful to be able to do something for this family (and my teacher especially) to help them out. I know a couple of dance costumes aren't a life changing thing, but I also know they love to dance and will appreciate the gift. I'm going to do my best to keep this anonymous, we'll see how it goes.

Jan 13 - I wrote a dear friend of mine a "smile card".

Jan 14 - I have a friend who had to be out of town for her mother's surgery, she had documents that needed to be picked up from Office Max and I re-arranged my schedule to get them.

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